How to Use
Visit Oversight Shooting Tech. on YouTube for more info on the SeeAll Sights.

How to Use
The unique, single-element design means precise eye position is no longer necessary. Even if your eye is off-center with the sight or even the gun’s barrel, the bullet will strike where the reticle is centered. Just pick up your target, and the sight will do the rest. This is one reason that the SeeAll Sights are a favorite with young people and new shooters of any age. The learning curve is almost non-existent.
Align the triangle
View the target over the top of the See All Sight along the sight axis. The reticle will be magnified by optical element, and will be perfectly in-focus, along with the target. The edge-glow material ensures that the reticle will be visible in any lit condition. If the tritium model is purchased it will take over soon as the edge glow material doesn't have sufficient light.
…and shoot!
Place the Delta point, under, or on the desired point of impact, and pull the trigger. The complete sight picture will look like the illustration.